Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI just recently moved into the Vatican, where he will live in prayer and mediation for the rest of his retirement. I think it is going to be interesting having two living popes, especially in the same building. I wonder if Pope Francis will ever seek counsel with Pope Benedict XVI, or if Pope Benedict XVI is no longer involved in the Vatican life and just focusing on the rest of his life.


Reverend Michael Fugee followup

It turns out that Reverend Fugee, who was on a five year probation and forbidden to be around children, broke his ban. He was invited by youth ministers to visit another church and talk to the teens at a youth retreat. Since then, the two youth ministers and the reverend of the church have resigned. I think it was strange to allow someone who was convicted and tried of touching a minor to have been allowed a job in the diocese still. And it is unfortunate that he disobeyed his ban and was still tempted to be at a youth retreat, even if he had not intention of touching the teens inappropriately.


Reverend Michael Fugee


This article refers to the confession of Reverend Fugee of intentionally toughing an under age boy. The story goes on to say that he was appointed a higher position, "co-director of the Office of Continuing Education and Ongoing Formation of Priests." With this position, however, he is not allowed to be around children as part of his five year probation. The remaining details are linked above.

Catholic Memes


This website is humorous to Catholics as it is a combination of the fiercely popular memes and the Catholic faith.


The article says it all. I cannot believe that a chief rabbi was so tempted as to plagiarize the work in some of his books. However, I am glad that he came forward and admitted his wrongdoing.  

Preaching to Nonbelievers


I found this article particularly interesting because it involves an outreach to people who do not believe, not necessarily  a different religion. Also, this is the first time a talk like this is going to occur in Latin America, as it is going to happen in Mexico. The idea was first proposed by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis is carrying it out. I am interested to follow up on the details of the gathering.

Responding to Boston Tragedy


In this article, Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, senior religion editor, addresses the public's reaction to the terrible bombings that occurred in Boston. I think this article was well-written in the fact that Raushenbush acknowledges the anger that everyone is feeling towards the bombers, but he classifies the anger into demonic and holy. He encourages people to not let the short fiery demonic anger overcome their action in helping, because this anger is destructive to the soul. He explains that holy anger is motivational, that it motivates people to take action and help the victims.

Pope Francis addressing sexual abuse

Pope Francis stated that changes needed to be made regarding the act and covering up of sexual abuse to children by some priests. He is putting full force into protecting minors from further cases occurring and punishing those priests who engaged in the sinful acts. Some victims groups, such as SNAP, are wary about the Pope's goal, they think it is too similar to the agenda of Pope Benedict, so nothing is really changing. I think that the current pope will make further revisions to his agenda as the weeks go on, this was just him opening up the issue, he has yet to state his further details and plan of action.


Legislature in Ireland

Recently, a bill has been brought up in the parliamentary in Ireland regarding abortions. The case was brought up because a women previously died because she was denied an abortion. The reasoning behind the denial is that Ireland is a Catholic country. And now, The Catholic Church is threatening excommunication if the bill is passed. I agree that since religion and state are so closely linked in Ireland, they should have the same foundation and values. If Ireland suddenly has a law that blatantly goes against the Catholic Church, they should be excommunicated.


Churches and mental illness

In Christianity, suicide and mental illnesses are viewed as "spiritual failures." However, that view is changing in some church communities. The article brings up examples of pastors whose children have committed suicide without so much of a foreshadowing. As Ed Stetzer, president of Nashville-based LifeWay Research, states, We tend to think that Jesus fixes what is in our heads, and medicine fixes what is in our body, like a broken leg. Sometimes what is in our heads needs medicine.” I think it is true that the church should consider changing their view on mental illness, and the answer does not always have to be medicine, awareness and counseling go a long way as well.


Gay marriage and Polygamy


This article brings up the topic of gay marriage. It is involved in the Supreme Court now, and some are beginning to wonder what is next on the agenda. Some propositions have been made that if same-sex marriage passes, it will make polygamy easier to become legalized. I do not think that the two are related, they are only related by the topic of marriage.

Seminary for other religions


In this article, a high school in Utah wants to have release time for a "religion that practices meditation and mummification." I personally thought this was interesting because normally release time is for Mormons to attend seminary. It seems ironic that a change to that might possibly occur in the state that has the most practicing Mormons. Also, it does not really make sense why there is a dispute, LDS seminary is offered in many states while other religions are neglected. Who can stop a school from wanting to offer a seminary class for another religion?